Whether you are planning to go to university, looking for a full or part time job to kickstart your career, or seeking an apprenticeship, it is SO important that you plan so you can stand out from your peers.
Here are our top tips to consider when looking for the next steps after A-Levels:
You might think you are set on university, an apprenticeship, or going straight into work, but it is good to keep your options open. We understand going into the big world of work can be daunting, so it is always a great idea to explore different options so you can reflect on what you really want to do.
Most recruiters, schools or universities are happy to talk to you, give advice, and help you with some careers guidance to make sure you are well informed and know all the options you have. LinkedIn is a great tool to use to connect and ask people about their experiences – whether that be asking someone to share their experiences about a certain university or asking advice on their career path that you would like to have for yourself one day.
I am sure you have heard a lot about CVs from college and that’s because it is such an important aspect of getting a job and communicating who you are to an employer!
Check out this blog on how to make your CV stand out in a competitive market to give you a great advantage in getting that dream job.
When applying to different jobs, you will be dealing with many professional people and you can’t make a first impression twice! Make sure everything you write is well-written, is clear and concise, and that you (or ask someone) to double check your spelling and grammar. We always advise having a friendly and professional attitude!
Here is a great blog on why it is so important to be nice and professional.
It is so important when applying to part time jobs around work, full time jobs, or apprenticeships that you prepare really well because, unfortunately, you will probably be up against other candidates with similar experience (or more) despite being in a candidate driven market. There is still a lot of competition for the very best jobs and apprenticeships out there so make sure you are well prepared. Here are some great tips to make sure you prepare well for an interview to give you the very best chance of success – how should I prepare for an interview?
Whether you need to work part-time at university or not, we strongly advise that you do because it is so beneficial to gain working experience while studying. Sadly, those students who don’t work while studying are put at a disadvantage. Whatever your degree is, employers LOVE to see you are committed to a role/business, showing that longevity with some great skills too. This success is so desirable and will put you at an advantage against other applicants for future employment, even if completely irrelevant to your chosen career path.
Like tip number 2, if you need any help or careers guidance, please get in touch with us because we are here to help!