If you have lost your job, looking for a fresh start or simply entering the job market, it is essential that you always have an updated version of your CV. I would also advise adding your updated CV onto various job sites (mentioned below) to increase your chances of finding your next job. I have compiled a few different job sites that you can upload your CV onto and a few tips for refreshing your CV.
I would advise starting with making a profile on each of these recruitment/job sites, where you can then upload your CV and fill out what you’re looking for to all job boards (this will help you appear in job searches and help tailor your own search when looking for appropriate jobs). When making your profile, it is important that you make this visible to recruiters as this will ensure you are appearing in job searches.
Additionally, I would ensure all your details are correct (contact details, location, salary etc), as this will make job searching easier for both you and the recruiter and ensure that only jobs relevant to you and your logistics show up on searches.
Refreshing your CV
With a CV, you only tend to look at it when you are looking for your next job, so a lot of the time it is not constantly updated with your new skills or experience. Due to the current job market, lots of people have now found themselves unemployed and seeking new employment. Therefore, it is vital that your CV is updated and accurate so that recruiters can find you!
Things to consider when refreshing:
Is all your contact information still correct?
Any new experiences/skills you have learned or adapted?
Have you taken on any new responsibilities that have enhanced your skills?
Are you sure of what job role you want next and can provide evidence of experience within this?
Have you hit any new targets? (Sales – what is your record, targets, etc?)
Have you passed any new courses/qualifications? (it is always a good idea to include your achievements)
Have your interests changed/do you have any new interests that reflect your career goals?
These are just a few simple ideas to look out for when refreshing and updating your CV, ready to upload onto the job sites mentioned in this blog. For a more in depth blog which discusses how to search for and find your next job, then click here.
I hope this blog helps you and I wish you all the best of luck in the search for your new role!