Ben Thompson
As 2024 draws to an end, I feel now is a great opportunity to reflect on our 10th year in business with Thompson & Terry Recruitment and my 34th on the planet. Personally, it’s been a turbulent year. Starting off with paternity leave after welcoming my first child Olivia into the world who has absolutely […]
So, when I look back to my first conversation with Mike Terry in late 2013 (at just 23 years old!) where we planned our vision for Thompson & Terry Recruitment, it seems crazy to me that in many ways our business today is exactly how we envisaged. We had the vision that we would set […]
As a recruitment agency owner and regular networker, both within Oxfordshire business circles and with fellow recruitment professionals, I am increasingly hearing from businesses who are struggling to find the right person for perceived junior vacancies. Just to stress, with my Thompson & Terry hat on, whilst we have seen the market become much more […]
Hello, I’m Jessica, and for the past 10 years I’ve been dedicated to working in the childcare industry. Back in 2013, I embarked on a Level 3 Diploma at the City of Oxford College, focusing on ‘Children and Young People’s Workforce’ which led me to join a prominent childcare company, where my determination to advance […]
Following last Sunday’s Business Brunch on Get Radio talking all about AI with James Craddock and Jane Abbott, I haven’t stopped thinking about how AI could be used in recruitment and the obvious question is around using AI to write a CV! Using my own knowledge combined with AI, I have put together the below […]
As we remain in a candidate driven market, for most of us long are the days of the traditional recruitment process of a closing date and somewhat one sided interviews, where it is solely up to the candidate to sell themselves against a number of peers. I recently had a conversation with a new client […]
When searching for a new job you will often only be able to fully decide which is the right job for you after exploring several opportunities, whether that be applying, talking to recruiters or going through the interview process. With this in mind, it is relatively common that you will be offered two jobs at […]
It can be so daunting getting ready for your first day back at work following maternity leave; you don’t know what to fully expect! Your job role may have changed slightly, you may have new colleagues or managers even and, of course, you are also battling with the emotions of leaving your little baby and […]
As regular readers of my blog would know, I network a fair bit and twice in the last week I’ve been asked who is the best recruitment agency in Oxfordshire so thought I’d try to answer. It’d be very easy for me to say Thompson & Terry Recruitment, and whilst in certain circumstances I am […]
Since opening Thompson & Terry Recruitment in 2014, one of the most overwhelming ‘myths’ that I constantly hear from candidates is that it’s tricky to make the transition from retail or hospitality into an office job that can provide progression, security, and more sociable hours. It really makes me cross that in the world of […]