During university, you would rarely find me putting my hand up or speaking aloud during a lecture because I didn’t want to accidentally embarrass myself. Similarly on social media, I don’t tend to post very much or put myself out there in case I end up looking silly. One thing I have learnt in the […]
In case you missed it… this week LinkedIn posted their 2023 “Jobs on the Rise” list revealing the 25 fastest-growing job titles in the UK and the trends that have been defining the world of work. Whether you’re currently in the market for a new role or are just looking to keep up to date […]
As a recruitment business owner going into 2023, I reflect back to my thoughts that I wrote around this time last year and conclude 2022 has been the roller coaster that many of us predicted, but isn’t that what we love about the world of recruitment! If I had a pound for every time I […]
As the year draws to an end, lots of candidates find themselves wondering about a new job to start the new year. However, after a long year, candidates often put off their job search until January with the idea that the new year is a new start, for new beginnings and believe that’s when companies […]
Increasingly, I am being asked by Oxfordshire employers questions around the right salary to pay their employees, so in this blog I plan to give insight into this incredibly important topic. It has been highly reported the impact that the cost-of-living crisis is having on us all and it’s certainly worth remembering that employees on […]
With employers becoming worried about their staff ‘quiet-quitting’, it has become more important than ever to show your employer that you’re a pro-active member of the team. However, this should never come at a cost to your work-life balance! Perfecting the work-life balance has been a topic of business conversations in recent years but as […]
The purpose of a CV is to demonstrate to potential employers who you are, what skills you have, and why you would be the best fit for their vacancy. However, as a recruitment agency, we review hundreds of CVs every day and often see candidates making the same errors. This blog has been designed to […]
Whilst out for dinner with a few friends earlier in the week one asked me: “What do you actually do? What is a recruitment agency?” Initially, I thought what a bizarre question… but then I came to realize that before I started looking into recruitment agency vacancies a few months ago I had no idea […]
Whether you are planning to go to university, looking for a full or part time job to kickstart your career, or seeking an apprenticeship, it is SO important that you plan so you can stand out from your peers. Here are our top tips to consider when looking for the next steps after A-Levels: Explore […]
As today the team and I head into the 9th year of running our own recruitment business, I reflect back on what has been an exciting, rewarding but sometimes challenging journey that us business owners face all across the country every day. For those who know my story, sorry in advance, but for those who […]