Thompson & Terry
As 2024 draws to an end, I feel now is a great opportunity to reflect on our 10th year in business with Thompson & Terry Recruitment and my 34th on the planet. Personally, it’s been a turbulent year. Starting off with paternity leave after welcoming my first child Olivia into the world who has absolutely […]
In my experience of recruiting in Oxfordshire over the past 8 years, the biggest thing that I feel we are missing is a wide choice of really good graduate programs, which is so upsetting considering Oxford is known across the world for its universities. I know there have been lots of studies into why talent […]
Preparing for an interview takes time. In such a competitive market, you cannot simply just walk into an interview with no preparation and wing it. There are so many things you need to research and prepare for, so that you come across passionate, knowledgeable and dedicated – 3 key skills hiring managers will be looking […]
Just last week this blog would have been worded quite differently, but being totally honest, since the COVID restrictions were re-introduced and the news of the new variant, it is now more difficult to predict what will happen to the job market. We have seen before with previous restrictions that companies tend to slow down […]
This year has seen lots of events, meetings and training transition from person to Zoom. Due to the pandemic there are lots of restrictions in place, which of course, have an affect on the workforce. However, lots of companies are still looking to hire with interviews most likely to take place on Zoom. Without that […]
Here at Thompson & Terry Recruitment, we are passionate about only sending candidates across to clients that we would personally employ ourselves. For that reason, over 70% of the first CV we send over receives a job offer (national average circa 5%). This demonstrates the focus we place on the quality and relevance of a […]
Should I write a cover letter? For the purpose of this blog, I will focus on whether you should write a cover letter when applying for a job via a recruitment agency, rather than direct to an employer. If applying directly to an employer, we would highly recommend writing a strong cover letter, but via […]
As a recruiter, networker, and business owner, I am consistently working with other businesses, large or small, who all seem to share the same difficulties when recruiting talented employees. Although the severity of these difficulties depends on the location, seniority, and sector of the vacancy, the challenge itself always seems to remain. ‘The Digital Age’ […]
As a young person myself (well youngish!), I found it tough to separate myself from my peers at the start of my career, as most young people do. Even most ‘entry-level’ jobs will request some form of experience, which seems ironic, how exactly do you get that experience? Throughout school, Rugby was my passion and […]
As a recruiter and avid Oxfordshire business supporter, I often find that many Oxfordshire-based businesses, especially the smaller ones, find it challenging to attract fresh, intelligent and hungry talent into their businesses. With our wealth of world-class students, surely this shouldn’t be the case? Based on my research last summer, I found that Oxfordshire offers […]