As a recruiter, networker, and business owner, I am consistently working with other businesses, large or small, who all seem to share the same difficulties when recruiting talented employees. Although the severity of these difficulties depends on the location, seniority, and sector of the vacancy, the challenge itself always seems to remain. ‘The Digital Age’ […]
Whether you played ‘Shepherd number 3’ in the Primary School Christmas Nativity when you were six years old, or have dabbled in multiple acting agencies and performances, participating in performing arts, whether the role was big or small, can play a vital part in the world of careers and, indeed, in our day-to-day lives. Understanding […]
As a young person myself (well youngish!), I found it tough to separate myself from my peers at the start of my career, as most young people do. Even most ‘entry-level’ jobs will request some form of experience, which seems ironic, how exactly do you get that experience? Throughout school, Rugby was my passion and […]
As a recruiter and avid Oxfordshire business supporter, I often find that many Oxfordshire-based businesses, especially the smaller ones, find it challenging to attract fresh, intelligent and hungry talent into their businesses. With our wealth of world-class students, surely this shouldn’t be the case? Based on my research last summer, I found that Oxfordshire offers […]
Working in recruitment, we understand how stressful it can be to look for a new job. In a survey carried out by Linkedin last year, they established that an astonishing 45% of job seekers found the idea so daunting that they would rather go to the pub than spend time searching for a new role! […]
Recruitment can often be the difference between the success or failure of any small or large business, therefore it is vital that you do everything possible to ensure the former and avoid the latter. Although it does seem like common sense to avoid failure, it is often easier said than done. It’s easy to buy […]
As a recruitment agency, we review hundreds of CVs on a daily basis and commonly see candidates make the same simple mistakes. My most straightforward advice for writing a good CV is to focus on clarity and relevancy above all else. The point of a CV is to show potential employers or recruiters who you […]
The finals of the South & Vale Business Awards are now quickly approaching, taking place this month on Friday 15th March at the prestigious Williams F1 Conference Centre in Wantage. In case you’ve missed it, carry on reading for some more information on what the SVBAs are, how they could benefit your business, and Ben’s […]
Regardless of your working history, academic success and suitability for the role, the interview process will always be the dividing factor between a job offer or an unsuccessful application. Many candidates stumble at interview stage and make mistakes that could have easily been avoided, preventing them from achieving the job of their dreams. These 7 […]
Leaving education and entering the world of work can be a daunting process. Students are often oblivious as to what career path they want to pursue in adulthood, and whilst others may have a clear idea of their goals, they may not know where to begin in working towards achieving these goals. This blog post […]